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Community & Charity Support


Friends of Kingswode Hoe

The Friends of Kingswode Hoe School aim to raise funds to pay for various projects which enhance the pupils' education. We support projects ranging from extra funding for residential trips to paying for trophies!  We also fund the practical things, such as paying the insurance cover for the school minibuses, which play a vital part in the school’s activities.


Many thanks to all the Parents and Carers who have kindly donated money to the Friends of Kingswode Hoe Gift Aid Appeal. An amazing £440 has been raised so far. This money helps towards extra curriculum activities such as day trips and residential trips and is much appreciated.


Get in Touch!

If you have any queries about the Friends of Kingswode Hoe or would like to get involved please contact: 


Mrs Comonte on 01206 576408.



Thank you very much to the Variety Children's Charity as their donation enabled us to have our mini buses which are in constant use for a wide range of activities that our pupils greatly benefit from.

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Kellogg's have kindly donated £1000 to support our school breakfast club. We are hoping to buy some games and equipment for the pupils to use in the morning after they have eaten. Many thanks to Kellogg's.

Boy Eating Breakfast
Brown Insect

Kingswode Hoe School is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Local School Nature Grant, thanks to players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. Our pupils will be benefitting from an Insect Study Centre, which will be used to provide much needed refuge for insects and will allow the pupils to inspect and view insect activity, providing fascinating entertainment and education for all. We have also been awarded hanging bird feeder tables, bee hotels and wooden bird boxes, which will be fantastic for helping the local wildlife. Staff will also receive training to help children learn outdoors. 


We were delighted to welcome representatives from Wooden Spoon Charity who have kindly donated £12,500 towards the Science Rooms project and Stoke by Nayland Golf Club Senior Men's team for donating £4,413 towards that total. £750 has also been received from Barclays Bank who match funded the generous individual contribution made by golfer Peter Jay. A further £8500 was used to purchase a vacuum former and a laser cutter for the new technology classroom. We are extremely grateful for this support which had already had a really positive impact on teaching and learning in the Science for our pupils. 

Rugby Balls
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We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant of £1500 from Colchester Borough Homes. This money will go towards the development of a gardening area on the school site after the building work is complete.  This money will spent on raised beds for each year group and top soil so the pupils can get planting. Thank you to Colchester Borough Homes.

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Thank you to The Henry Smith Charity for donating £500 towards our Year 8 residential trip. These trips greatly contribute to our pupil's independence & resilience.

Field Trip
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We are proud to work with St Leonard's Church and enjoy holding our school's carol service there.


The school is part of the Essex Special Schools Education Trust.  The company was established with the aim of leading Special Educational Needs Innovation in Essex providing a vehicle for sharing expertise to ensure all ESSET Schools were supported to provide outstanding outcomes for the young people of Essex.

Mixed Race Down Syndrome Class

The school is also part of the NESP consortium, for Finance and Premises support. It also gives opportunities to work with mainstream primary colleagues and to take advantage of any economies of scale negotiated by this group. 


"Please can you pass on our thanks to all pupils, parents and staff who supported our recent school collection. In total, we collected 14 bags and the items are now being sorted in our shop in Colchester and any items sold will raise much needed funds for the charity. Many Thanks - Brian Smith

Garage Sale Clothes


We support this charity by recycling unwanted clothing, toys and bric a brac. The school regularly passes on items that are brought in. We are extremely grateful for the regular monthly funding to support extra curricular activities as well as one off contributions towards the residential trips.

Get in touch


The school is located in central Colchester with its own spacious grounds and has excellent links with the surrounding community and local schools. If you would like to find out more, get in touch. 


Kingswode Hoe Special School

Sussex Road




01206 576408


Headteacher: Mrs Alice Constantine

Acting Chair of Local Academy Committee: Mrs Ruth Sturdy


To get in contact with the school or to request paper copies of information on the website, please use the form on the right or call the school office on the number above. 

Thanks for submitting!


©2024 Kingswode Hoe 

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