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We are committed to ensuring you have up to date and regular means of communication with staff who are working with your child. Pupils have planners or notebooks which provides parents and carers with a daily opportunity to note and record any important information or queries for staff to respond to.


Messages range from notes and information about forthcoming events, individual notes affecting your child and sharing successes or queries can be logged in the planner. Staff working with pupils in form groups, such as form tutors and support staff, check pupil planners regularly to respond to messages. Please raise any concerns by contacting the school office to discuss with your child's tutor in the first instance. 


We also have a range of other ways that we communicate with home and can organise meetings in school or at home as required. Letters home are sent via ARBOR which is a very effective tool for sending relevant information home.  Paper copies can also be sent if required but we are working to try and be as environmentally friendly as possible. As we know most parents and carers prefer instant access to information via phones, tablets and computers, we are trying to reduce paper mail where possible. Emails for the attention of tutors can be sent via We ask that parents and carers respect staff wellbeing by not emailing directly to individual staff members. 


Please make sure that you update the school with any change of contact details as we would not want any vital messages to be missed. Call the office to change your mobile 'phone number or email address. We aim to keep in touch with parents and carers regularly and our friendly reception team will always be happy to relay messages or notify school of any specific issues. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is any way you feel we can further improve our communication between school and home.

 Letters home 

Get in touch


The school is located in central Colchester with its own spacious grounds and has excellent links with the surrounding community and local schools. If you would like to find out more, get in touch. 


Kingswode Hoe Special School

Sussex Road




01206 576408


Headteacher: Mrs Alice Constantine

Acting Chair of Local Academy Committee: Mrs Ruth Sturdy


To get in contact with the school or to request paper copies of information on the website, please use the form on the right or call the school office on the number above. 

Thanks for submitting!


©2024 Kingswode Hoe 

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