Learning Resources
SEAX Learning Zone
The SEAX learning platform hosts a range of resources across all subjects from videos to worksheets. These can supplement your child's work at school and also provide resources if your child is not able to come to school and needs to study from home.
Mathletics is an online learning platform linked to our Maths curriculum. The work is differentiated and allows pupils to practise and master basic skills as well as access games and puzzles. We recommend that all pupils complete 2 Mathletics task each week (either in school or at home) to supplement their learning.
Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs (and Reading Eggspress) is an online learning platform linked to reading and spelling. The work is differentiated and allows pupils to practise and master basic skills through a range of tasks and games and online books.
At Kingswode Hoe we believe amazing books make amazing readers! We have invested in a collection of inspiring, fun, thought provoking and award winning books for all our pupils to enjoy no matter what their reading ability.
Please explore our library below to share in our love of books.
Class Books
Guided Reading Books

Non-Fiction Books