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Pupil Premium

Women Holding Hands
What is pupil premium

What is Pupil Premium?


The Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools to support disadvantaged pupils. The funding is allocated to schools with pupils up to Y11 who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), are Looked After (CLA) or have parents currently in the Armed Forces (NB Pupil Premium for CLA is allocated individually on request from ‘The Virtual School’ and is not part of the school’s allocated budget).


As a school we recognise that not all pupils eligible for FSM register for them and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged qualify for pupil premium. Therefore the school has decided that some Pupil Premium grant each year will be allocated to support this wider group, with the aim of subsequently benefiting all pupils. A major force for this allocation continues to be on behaviour for learning and development of social skills, particularly through participation in residential trips.


Pupil Premium is focused on raising achievement which will include social skills, self-esteem, confidence and independence as well as progress in literacy, numeracy and other subjects. A range of data is used to identify pupils, focus support and to evaluate success. The Senior Leadership Team monitors the effectiveness of support, and identifies any additional pupils in need, through fortnightly LABs (Learning, Attendance and Behaviour) meetings.

Since 2013-2014, the school received additional funding for Primary PE and for Year 7 Catch Up.

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Get in touch


The school is located in central Colchester with its own spacious grounds and has excellent links with the surrounding community and local schools. If you would like to find out more, get in touch. 


Kingswode Hoe Special School

Sussex Road




01206 576408


Headteacher: Mrs Alice Constantine

Acting Chair of Local Academy Committee: Mrs Ruth Sturdy


To get in contact with the school or to request paper copies of information on the website, please use the form on the right or call the school office on the number above. 

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©2024 Kingswode Hoe 

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