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Residential Trips               Primary              Year 7               Year 8              Year 9            Year 10               Year 11


Residential Trips and Visits

Why do you go away? So that you can come back and see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours.

And the people there see you differently too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.


Why residentials and trips are so important for pupils at Kingswode Hoe

Residentials and school trips form a key building block in our Kingswode Hoe curriculum. Each year our residential trips widen our pupil's understanding of the wider world and develop their confidence and key skills for life. The trips not only enrich and enhance their teamwork skills and relationship with others, but also develop their independence and resilience. We tailor the trips, wherever possible, to meet the needs of particular year groups and individuals. Please find below examples of the types of trips we have previously run for various year groups.


Primary enjoy several day trips through the academic year in preparation for longer residentials in years 7-11.

Year 7

Year 7 - Aylmerton

The pupils enjoyed many new challenges, which they faced with enthusiasm, creativity and great resilience. Many of these were entirely new experiences, (eg. mud-walking, den-building) and provided a great many positive and pleasurable memories to take home. Being able to handle birds and reptiles, for example, was an entirely new and thrilling opportunity for most of the pupils, enabling them to test themselves and overcome any initial nervousness. Overall, our trip provided a range of valuable exercises that helped build character and strengthen a sense of well-being as evidenced by the broad joyous smiles on the many photographs capturing their achievements prove.

Year 8

Year 8 - Letton Hall 

With the weather fantastically warm and the group in high spirits, we set off for Stonham Barns. We were able to enjoy a full flying display whilst there. From Stonham Barns we headed to Letton Hall where we set up our rooms and had a lovely dinner prepared by our resident chef, Mrs Boot.

The following morning we woke and headed to Bressingham Steam Museum. We were able to enjoy rides on the steam engines and also the Gallopers. In the afternoon, we returned to Letton Hall for dinner and then went bowling. The next day we headed over to Thetford Forest and finished the day with a bonfire. Thursday was spent at sea, we headed over to Wells and took a boat out to see the seals. With the wind in her hair and sun beating down, Mrs Fraser led us to the beach where we set up for the afternoon finishing up with fish and chips. The last day we channeled our inner ‘Stig’ and took to the go-kart track. With a few scary moments we left unscathed and after packing the last of our stuff we headed back to Kingswode Hoe.

Year 9

Year 9 - Leiston Abbey 

An excellent trip where all the students excelled themselves. The week was based around The Lion King. The students composed their own music, choreographed a dance and learnt the songs from the musical. They learnt to use a video camera and recorded short scenes, edited them and produced a school film. The week ended with a performance in front of a small audience. It was a pleasure to take Year 9 and 789D on this trip

Year 10

Year 10 - Liddington 

Year 10 pupils spent the week at PGL Liddington as part of the class residential. The primary objective of the trip was to challenge our pupils to take on various activities. The pupils highlights included; The Giant Swing, Vertical Challenge and our favourite was the raft building, which included a swim in the lake at 10 o’clock in the morning! The pupils demonstrated great resilience, independence and had super fun in the process

Year 11

Pupils in year 11 plan, train for and complete an unaccompanied, self-reliant expedition with an agreed aim. In the past we have completed the expedition at Rendlesham Forest and Bures. Pupils undergo preparartion and training and at least one practice expedition, a qualifying expedition (the one that is assessed) and a final presentation in order to complete the section. During the trip, pupils hike, set up camp and cook their own meals on a Trangier. 

Get in touch


The school is located in central Colchester with its own spacious grounds and has excellent links with the surrounding community and local schools. In order to fully appreciate our unique special school, we strongly recommend that you visit us. 

Kingswode Hoe Special School

Sussex Road



01206 576408

Headteacher: Mrs Alice Constantine

Acting Chair of Local Academy Committee: Mrs Ruth Sturdy

To get in contact with the school or to request paper copies of information on the website, please use the form on the right or call our receptionist, Mrs Allen, on the number above. 

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©2020 Kingswode Hoe 

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