Our School
Kingswode Hoe School is a special school. It is situated in the west of Colchester, N.E. Essex and has a catchment area extending over a large geographical area which includes Colchester and parts of Braintree as well as surrounding villages to the south.
The school has 147 places and is designated as a mixed day school for pupils
with moderate or complex learning difficulties from ages 5 – 16 years.
Kingswode Hoe is part of the SEAX Trust. Please click the logo to view trustees,
reports, accounts and executive pay information and to find out more about
the trust.
Our staff feel extremely fortunate to work with all the pupils that we have here at Kingswode Hoe School.
I am proud to be the Headteacher of such a special place.
We enjoy seeing pupils grow, supporting them to learn, helping them to become more independent, resilient and ready to face the challenged beyond our doors.
Our 'grow' ethos guides our approach as staff and sums up how we aim to work with each other, pupils and families.
Alice Constantine, Headteacher

Our school is designated for pupils aged 5-16 years with the admissions process controlled by Essex Statutory Assessment Service
The LAC support and challenge the school, working alongside the senior leadership team to ensure the school runs smoothly and efficiently.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education. Read the latest report or leave your view of our school.
The Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools to focused on raising the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.
Meet our wonderful staff who are committed to ensuring all pupils reach their potential in a safe and caring environment.
We could not function without the help of the wider community and the Friends of Kingswode Hoe.