Meet Our Team
Senior Leadership Team

Alice Constantine
Responsible for:
Safeguarding (DDSL)
Strategic development of school
Day to day running of the school
Oversight of staff teams and pupils
Oversight of Teaching & Learning
Oversight of Curriculum & Assessment
Parental Engagement

Ben Lee
Responsible for:
Safeguarding (DSL)
Evolve Trip Risk Assessments
Duke of Edinburgh
Head of Key Stage 4
Transition Key Stage 4 - Post 16
Head of Computing
GDPR lead

Tom Coxall
Responsible for:
Teaching & Learning
Key Stage 2 & 3 link
Parental Engagement
Jack Petchey
Student placements
New pupil transition
Extended Senior Leadership Team
We have an Extended SLT team to develop leadership capacity in our valued 'Teaching and Learning Curriculum Leaders' (TLR Post Holders). We meet on a weekly basis and are involved in modelling and developing high standards of teaching and learning across the school. Teaching and Learning Leaders are also linked to Key Stages and will help to support tutors within these teams as appropriate.

Sophie Burrows
Responsible for:​​
Designated person for Children Looked After
Lower School Safeguarding Link (DDSL)

Kim Stephen
Responsible for:​​
Children in Alternative Programs
Upper School Safeguarding Link (DDSL)
Teachers & Curriculum Leaders
Each member of of our teaching staff at Kingswode Hoe has an area of curriculum responsibility.

Mrs V Whiteside

Miss S Burrows

Miss C Woodford

Miss C Eaves

Miss L Dawson

Mr D Hammond

Mrs K Stephen

Mrs E Clark

Mr C Hyde

Mrs A Dabbs

Mr E Constantine
Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)
Higher Level Teaching Assistants often have a specialist curriculum or support area. They are integral to to the smooth running of the school on a daily basis as they frequently take on a cover role. This provides continuity for pupils and staff. We are very fortunate to have such a skilled and dedicated team of HLTAs who are currently developing their specialist skills and have a significant impact on the teams and curriculum areas that they work in.

Mrs T Williams

Miss E Kiely

Mrs L Francis

Mrs M Appleby

Mrs L Baker

Mrs V Wilkinson

Mrs D Amey

Ms K McCourty

Mrs S Deal

Mrs C Ward
Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
Our Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) are usually attached to a tutor group or year team. Some of our LSAs have specific roles such as Speech and Language support or they work 1:1 with pupils who are allocated exceptional funding. Many of our LSAs run lunchtimne clubs or take on additional roles and responsibilities depending on their interests and expertise. We are extremely fortunate to have a dedicated, skilled, proactive, positive and committed team of LSAs at Kingswode Hoe. Please see below our team of LSAs and their roles.

Miss M Bawden

Mrs E Birchmore

Mrs L Boot

Mr R Hitchiner

Miss I Farkas

Mrs J Fraser

Ms G Glaister

Miss H Lewis

Miss H Reynolds

Miss M Richards

Miss L Kadar

Mrs E Ross

Miss M Star

Miss E Stewart
Administration, Site and Catering Team
Our School Support team all play vital roles in the smooth running of our school and systems. We have two members of our the team who are usually on reception and also co-ordinate cover arrangements. We have a school cook and catering assistant who provide hot and cold lunches on a daily basis in our school canteen. We have a full time Site Manager who works with the the SLT to develop and maintain our premises. We also have a part time IT manager.

Mrs P Burrows
Office Manager

Mrs I Brown
Finance Manager

Mrs C Allen

Mr P Cardnell
IT Manager

Mrs E McMillan
Curriculum Admin

Mrs S Reed
Admin Support

Mrs A Comonte
Extended Learning Support

Mrs S Blade
School Cook

Miss G Burgen
Catering Assistant

Mr K James
Site Manager