Support for Parents
“You’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry, but do not give up.
When you’re in a storm, there is always someone to hold your umbrella.”
We know how challenging it can be as parents and carers to provide support for young people growing up in an ever changing world. Sometimes there are no easy solutions but just knowing that we share our problems with others can be a tremendous help. We hope that you find some of this information on this page useful. Click on an image or logo to link to a website to access further information. Please get in touch if there is further advice and support you would like to see on this page.
Useful Numbers
Essex Children & Families Hub Priority Line
Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Service
Young Carers
Wilderness Foundation
YMCA Colchester
First Site
0845 603 7630
0300 300 1600
0800 528 0731
0808 800 5000
0800 1111
0300 123 3073
01206 579 415
01206 713 700
Keeping Children Safe
Online Safety
One of the areas that we are finding having an increasing impact in school is online safety. As technology becomes ever more accessible and sophisticated, it is hard to keep up with students' online activity and ensure they are safe when using computers, gaming and smart phone technology.
The CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) website has a wide range of resources and information to support parents and carers in working with their children to ensure they have balanced and healthy access to technology and know how to limit and monitor use effectively.
Parent Partnership Services
National Parent Partnership Network provides information and support to parents and carers of children with special educational needs. If you're a parent or carer to a child or young person with special educational needs / disabilities, the Essex Parent Partnership Service can help. We offer information and support over the telephone or in person.
To make a referral contact us on:
We can help by:
explaining how schools and early years settings can support children and young people with special educational needs
listening to your concerns and explaining what options are available
working with schools, local authority staff and other agencies to develop positive relationships with parents
supporting you at meetings and visits to schools
establishing links with voluntary organisations and support groups
guiding you through the statutory assessment process
enabling you to be included in discussions with schools and the local authority should your child be excluded
Please find links below to other useful parent support and forums.